AutoCAD Drawing Template In Feet and Inches

feet and inches min 1

AutoCAD Drawing Template In Feet and Inches

Hello everyone!

To start this topic, I would like to tell you that I live in a Caribbean island, from here I work and share my designs with different people around the world.

At the same time, I receive layouts and collaborations from people from different parts of the world, this means that the measurement system that is being handled in the plans is the metric decimal system.

Therefore, many people from North America who use the Imperial unit system may find the information in the plans a little uncomfortable, although this is easily solved.

(All premium plan drawings from now on will be uploaded in both feet and meters dimensions.)

The good news is that I created a template completely in Imperial units system with which they can enter the plans in decimal metric system and this template will automatically scale the plan to its corresponding measures in feet and inches.

Obviously, you must have basic knowledge of AutoCAD to be able to use this template, all you have to do is INSERT the drawing you want in the template, it also works to drag and drop the drawing to the template, the drawing will be scaled automatically, you don’t have to do anything else.

In case you see disproportionate lines, try exploding the drawing.

This drawing template has by default the AutoCAD measurements in feet and inches, so you only have to size the floor plan and everything will be in the correct scale.

In case you know absolutely nothing about what I just explained about AutoCAD, write me through the contact page and I prepared a very basic tutorial on how to open the template, INSERT the drawing, and take DIMENSIONS on the drawing, I promise you could learn that process in less than an hour.

Picture of Elvis Alcequiez

Elvis Alcequiez

Architect, CGI Artist, I love to research and write about design, architecture and construction, almost two decades of experience using CAD programs as a basis for the presentation of architectural and design projects.

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